







依中國國家標準CNS 3090預拌混凝土及CNS 13465新拌混凝土中水溶性氯離子含量試驗法等規定辦理。









Administrative Regulations governing the Examination of Chloride Ion contained in the Concrete poured for the Buildings under Construction 

I. For public safety consideration, the Administrative Regulations are hereby promulgated to serve as a guideline for the examination of  chloride ion contained in concrete.  

II. Method and Criteria:

The chloride ion contained in concrete shall be examined using Soluble Chloride Ion Content Examination Method designed  in accordance with the requirements stated in CNS 3090 regarding pre-blending concrete and the requirements prescribed in CNS 13465 regarding newly blended concrete.

III. Examination procedures:

(I) Examination has to be completed at least once before each concrete-pouring procedure begins and as soon as every 100 cubic meters of concrete is produced.

(II) The results shown by the examination have to be lower than tolerable value.

(III) If concrete specimen is unable to pass examination, the whole truck of concrete shall be deemed ineligible for use. In such case, every truck of concrete has to be examined. If 10 trucks of concrete pass the examination consecutively, the procedure stated in (I) shall be applicable again.

IV. Both examiners and the fulltime engineers appointed by construction supervisor or by constructor are required to sign their names and imprint their chops on “Examination Report of Chloride Ion contained in Concrete”.

V. During the construction period, constructors are required to submit “Examination Report of Chloride Ion contained in Concrete”, which has to be prepared in compliance with the requirements stated in Paragraph III, together with the concrete quality certificate issued by concrete suppliers to local construction authority for record.

VI. The Ministry of Interiors may, at its discretion, contact authorities concerned to arrange concrete chloride ion content examination training programs for the buildings under construction.