



Statement of the rights and obligations associated with Management System Certification Services

Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection, MOEA


I. 為規範ISO 9001/ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001/ISO 27001/ISO 22000/TOSHMS(以下簡稱管理系統)驗證過程中申請/登錄廠商(以下簡稱甲方)與經濟部標準檢驗局(以下簡稱乙方)雙方之權利與義務關係,特簽訂本聲明書,以供雙方遵循。

I. This Statement is hereby signed by and between the Applicant / the Corporation to be registered (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and the Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection, MOEA, (hereinafter referred to as Party B) to serve as a guideline for both parties and to regulate the rights and obligations between both parties during the certification process of ISO 9001/ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001/ISO 27001/ISO 22000/TOSHMS (hereinafter referred to as the Management System).


II. 甲方之權利與義務

II. The rights and obligations of Party A


(I). 甲方享有下列權利:

(I). Party A is entitled to the rights prescribed hereunder:


1. 申請/登錄過程中,可對乙方之各項驗證作業提出申訴、抱怨或爭議。

1. Party A may lodge petitions, complaints or disputes against the certification services provided by Party B either partially or totally during the application/registration process.


2. 對乙方指派之評審人員(含隨隊專家)及所安排之評鑑/追查計畫、實施日期,保有提出異議/不同意之權益。

2. Party A may raise objection / disagreement against the evaluators (including the experts working with the evaluation team) appointed by Party B as well as the evaluation / follow-up plan and execution dates arranged by all such evaluators.


3. 在乙方授權下,可透過出版品、電子媒體或其他方法,使用乙方核定之登錄文件(含驗證證書)、認可登錄標誌及報告進行宣傳。

3. With the authorization granted by Party B, Party A may promote its image using the registration documents (including the certificates), incorporation logos, and reports approved by Party B via publications, electronic media or other means.


4. 申請案經乙方受理或複評申請提出後,無法於6個月內配合辦理評鑑或複評時,但有正當理由得書面向乙方申請延展一次,延展期間以6個月為限。

4. In the event Party A is unable to fulfill its duties pertinent to evaluation or reevaluation in cooperation with Party B within a period of six months after Party B agrees to process the application or after Party A submits the application for reevaluation, Party A may request for extension for once by writing, provided that Party A has a justified reason for the extension. Nevertheless, the extension shall be valid for a period of six months only.


5. 評鑑作業開始前,得書面向乙方撤回管理系統驗證申請。

5. Before evaluation begins, Party A may request Party B to withdraw the application for management system certification by writing.


6. 對乙方所公佈之登錄廠商名錄內容有保密之需求時,得正式書面通知乙方不予公佈。

6. If Party A requires the content of registration announced by Party B to be treated confidentially, Party A may request Party B by writing for non-disclosure of the aforesaid content.


III. 甲方負有下列義務:

III.  Party A shall be obligated to fulfill all obligations stated hereunder:


1. 同意遵守「管理系統驗證實施辦法」及相關法規規定。

1. Party A agrees to abide by all requirements stated in the Management System Certification Implementation Measures and in all other applicable laws and ordinances.


2. 同意遵守乙方管理系統驗證作業之相關規定,並提供執行驗證作業所需之相關資訊。

2. Party A agrees to abide by all requirements pertinent to the management system certification measures specified by Party B and to provide all information needed for all such certification measures.


3. 採行各項必要安排以利乙方驗證作業之執行,包含為評鑑、追查、重新評鑑及申訴/抱怨/爭議處理之目的,所應提供受檢之文件、稽核區域/處所(含多場/廠區)、紀錄及人員(國外直接申請案件若需以英文或當地語言驗證時,甲方另應備有翻譯人員)。

3. Party A agrees to provide Party B with all necessary arrangements and thereby facilitates the evaluation process executed by Party B, including but not limited to the documents to be examined, inspection areas / locations (including factories / plants), records, and staffs required by the certification services, follow-up, reevaluations and processing petitions / complaints / disputes. (Party A agrees to provide translators / interpreters if the application is submitted by a corporation in foreign nation and the certification process has to be executed in English language or other language)


4. 申請文件審查不符合時,應於接到乙方通知後15日內補正。

4. If any document submitted by Party A is unable to pass validation for whatever reason, Party A shall be obligated to correct the aforesaid document within fifteen days after receipt of the notice issued by Party B.


5. 申請案經乙方受理或複評申請提出後,應於6個月內配合辦理評鑑或複評。

5. Party A agrees to fulfill its duties pertinent to evaluation or reevaluation for a period of six months after Party B agrees to process the application or after Party A submits the application for reevaluation.


6. 不得有損害乙方名聲之任何行為,且不能對登錄事項作出任何使乙方認為有誤導或未經授權之聲明。

6. Party A agrees not to involve in any conduct that is likely to damage or downgrade the reputation of Party B, and shall not release any statement based on the matters recorded in the registration if the statement is likely to be construed by Party B as misleading or as an unauthorized statement.


7. 所宣稱認可登錄範圍應以乙方核定之認可登錄範圍為限。

7. Party A may claim the registration based on the scope of registration approved by Party B.


8. 僅能表示其管理系統通過乙方驗證,不得有暗示或彰顯其產品/服務/活動本身已被乙方核可之行為。

8. Party A may state that its management system has successfully passed the evaluation process executed by Party B without implying or stating its products / services / activities approved by Party B.


9. 應依下列規定,使用乙方核定之登錄文件(含驗證證書)或報告:

9. Party A agrees to use the registration documents (including the certificate) or reports in accordance with the requirements prescribed hereunder:


(1) 使用出版品、電子媒體或其他方法進行宣傳時,不得有不正確引用登錄事項(如暗示其產品/服務/活動已被認可)或誤用登錄文件(含驗證證書)或報告之情事(如令人有誤解之行為)。

(1) When Party A promotes its image using publications, electronic media or other means, Party A agrees not to quote the matters recorded in the registration incorrectly (e.g. implying its products / services / activities approved by Party B) or to use the registration documents wrongfully (including the certificate) or to use the reports wrongfully. (e.g. misleading conduct)


(2) 驗證證書所載事項如有變更,應檢附相關文件向乙方申請換發。

(2) If any matter recorded in the certificate has been modified, revised or changed, Party A shall be obligated to submit all pertinent documents and request Party B for renewing the certificate.


(3) 因故為乙方廢止或撤銷認可登錄時,應立即停止使用相關登錄文件(含驗證證書)或報告。

(3) In the event Party B repeals or withdraws the certificate for whatever reasons, Party A shall cease to use the registration documents (including the certificate) or reports at once.