



以美學與藝術心理學理論解析視覺影像的構成,建立學生鑑賞攝影與繪畫作品的基礎。藝術心理學強調心理的整體觀,認為每一心理現象都是一個完形,而完形不等同於部份之總和。簡單地說,其理論基礎為視覺元素之間若是距離越近、形狀類似、形成了一個平滑的輪廓,抑或是局部封閉就能夠引起一個有效率的群組。課程強調如「同中求異」、「同形反覆」 與「異質同形」等抽象概念並非是繪畫的專利,透過學習同學們也可以在如繪畫、設計、視覺傳播或攝影等領域加以實踐與活用。


In this class, all students are required to analyze visual image composition using aesthetics and psychology of art, thus learning how to appreciate photography and paintings. The psychology of art stresses an overall psychological concept in which every psychological phenomenon is treated as a gestalt. In psychology of art, however, gestalt is not treated as the sum of parts. All visual elements have to be close to one another and their shapes have to be similar to one another in order to create a smooth contour, whereas partial closure creates an effective group. Therefore, the curriculum requires student to familiarize themselves with abstract conceptions, such as Differences out of Similarities, Isomorphic Repetition, and Heterogeneous Isomorphs. Actually, the abstract conceptions do not belong to paintings only. Students may apply psychology of art to many areas, such as paintings, design, visual communication, and photography.