

(一) 鴕鳥翻譯(中翻英)








Ostrich (Struthio camelus)


Ostrich is the biggest bird in the world. A male ostrich grows as tall as 2.5m, and weighs up to 155 kilograms. The females are considerably smaller. With its degenerated wings and underdeveloped carina, ostrich is unable to fly. The bird has two toes on each foot. The male has a black plumage with white tail feathers.


Ostrich’s wings are featured by the heat-insulated feathers as opposed to the flyable birds’ hard wings. Moreover, ostrich has claws on both wings. The bird stands on its toes. There is no feather on its strong legs at all. Ostrich's legs are just as large as the horse’s hoofs, allowing ostriches to run away quickly whenever danger approaches. Ostrich has huge eyeballs with dark eyelashes, the biggest eyeballs of any creature on the earth, only smaller than whale’s eyeballs.


Ostrich is unable to fly, but can run at up to about 65 km/h. One male ostrich usually forms a group with several females. Ostriches are distributed in Africa, living in deserts and prairies. In the mating season, the male displays its degenerated wings to attract the females' attention. Ostriches also use their wings as a shade for their babies.


(ニ) 梅花鹿翻譯(中翻英)










Formosan Sika Deer (Cervus Nippon Taiouanus)


From Siberia to Korea, from Eastern China to Vietnam, Sika Deer are widely distributed in East Asia and are found in many West Pacific islands, such as Japan and Taiwan. Sika Deer are seen in China’s Jilin Province and in Japan’s Hokkaido, respectively. In the 19th century, people hunted deer excessively, causing Sika Deer nearly extinct. In the 29th century, animal protection laws were enacted one after another. Thanks to the laws, Sika Deer multiplied rapidly in 1950s through 1980s.


Sika Deer were brought to Australia, Europe, and the United States decades ago. In the beginning, they were riased in parks to attract tourists. Later on, most of them became wild animals.


A grown-up Sika Deer is about 1.5 meter in length. In summertime, Sika Deer’s fur turns chestnut-red. There are many white spots on the fur. The white spots look like countless plum blossoms imprinted on the deer’s body. In the wintertime, Sika Deer’s fur turns brown with unnoticeable white spots. Their necks are framed by manes. Male Sika Deer first sprouts horns at age 2, then sprouts a branch horn each year, and stops sprouting horn at 5.


Sika Deer have acute senses of hearing and smelling. They live in groups and are outstanding runners. Baby deer grow up in 1.5 year to 2.5 years after their birth. The grownup Deer mate in September – November and give birth in May – July next year. 1 or 2 baby deer are born each time.


(三) 番鴨翻譯(中翻英)





黑色番鴨特徵為嘴的基部和眼圈周圍有紅色或黑色 的肉瘤,嘴喙呈淡粉紅色,雄性較寬。翼羽矯健,長及尾部,尾羽長,向上微微翹起,尾部無性羽,腳脛及蹼為黑色,叫聲沙啞,公母鴨體型相差幾近 1 倍。




Muscovy (Cairina moschata)


Duck, also known as Anatidae or muscovy, used to be wildlife found in Peru centuries ago. In the 16th century or so, Spanish brought muscovy to Taiwan.


Muscovy is featured by the red or dark sarcoma surrounding its eyes and bill. The male has a pink and wide bill. Muscovy moves swiftly. The male has a long and curly tail. No masculine feather is seen in the male’s tail. Muscovy has dark shins and webbed, and has a hoarse voice. A male weighs twice as heavy as a female.


Male Muscovy matures sexually 5 or 6 months after its birth. Usually, ducklings are born 35 days after the fertilized eggs are hatched. A matured Muscovy weighs 4.5 kilograms to 5 kilograms. A female weighs 3 kilograms or so.