

(一) 台灣歌謠史翻譯(中翻英)








In 1971, the 61-year old Chou Tien-wong released the famous folk song Northwest Rain, which earned applauses for him from all walks of life. Chou never sat back. He did his very best to promote Taiwanese folk songs throughout his lifetime.


Chou Tien-wong passed away on April 21, 1988. Now, he rests peacefully in Bali District, New Taipei. His tombstone is engraved with four Taiwanese love songs – Rainy Night Flowers, Moonlit Sadness, A Romantic Dream by the River, and Lonely Flower, serving as Chou’s gravestone epitaph and a reminder of Chou’s marvelous life.


A Romantic Dream by the River, written by Chou Tien-wong and composed by Li Min, was released in 1935. The waltz melody signifies the water flowing in Danshui River. The artist seemingly expressed his sadness and helplessness through A Romantic Dream by the River. Many poets visited Danshui River and produced countless poems to praise the beauty of Danshui River. Yet, most people are unfamiliar with the history of Danshui River. Impressed by the melodies of A Romantic Dream by the River, people began to guess who Li Min was, but no one could find the answer. Then, people checked the cover of gramophone records and found A Romantic Dream by the River was sung by Misao Matsubara and composed by Li Min (Chou Tien-wong). Suddenly, people realized Chou Tien-wong was the songwriter and composer of A Romantic Dream by the River.


(二) 夜來香歌詞翻譯(中翻英)




那南風吹來清涼 那夜鶯啼聲輕唱  月下的花兒都入夢 只有那夜來香  吐露著芬芳 

我愛這夜色茫茫 也愛著夜鶯歌唱  更愛那花一般的夢 擁抱著夜來香  吻著夜來香 

夜來香 我為你歌唱  夜來香 我為你思量

啊...  我為你歌唱 我為你思量

夜來香 夜來香 夜來香

Breeze blows from the south while nightingales are singing softly. All flowers are asleep under the moonlight. Only tuberoses are awake, spreading fragrance despite the passage of time.

I love the misty night, the singing nightingales and the floral dreams. I am embracing tuberoses and kissing them deeply. 

Tuberose, I am singing for you and longing for you.

I am singing for you and longing for you.

Tuberose,  tuberose, my tuberose.